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Please look for it in your inbox and also check your spam folder if you do not receive it.

If you’ve previously signed up for a free talk, you’re already on our email list. You will not receive the confirmation email mentioned above, but rest assured that we will email you the Zoom link.

Before our talks, we send out emails with information and Zoom link, so make sure you receive the emails from us!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from learning more about TRE®? We greatly appreciate any help in sharing information about our talks!

The easiest way to share information is to share the link to the schedule, by email or social media.

Thank you very much!


We look forward to having you at the conference!

We also record the lectures so that they can be seen afterwards.

With best regards

Hans Holter Solhjell​

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Hans Holter Solhjell
+47 413 18 627


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0377 Oslo


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