TRE® Weekly Online Group, 6 weeks. →
Start Thursday, March 14th, 5 pm – 6:30 pm


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This weekly online group is for those with previous experience with TRE.


As a participant, you will learn how to go deeper into the tremoring process, access more areas of the body with the tremors, understand how to work with “sticky” points in the process and receive support in the overall process.

We will go beyond the basic exercises and work with the upper body, the arms and hands, the head, the feet etc. We will also explore movements and release beyond just tremors, as well as release in the breath, through the mouth and the nose, working with the pulsating body.

This course series allows you to have regular TRE practice, ask questions, get personal guidance and understand more of the body-oriented release work with stress, trauma, self-regulation, and capacity development.