TRE® and the Upper Body

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Welcome to this transformative TRE® course!

Many participants in TRE® courses primarily learn the basic positions in TRE and tremor only lying on their back. While this position is an excellent starting point for many patterns of tremors and movements, a typical TRE® session can involve a wide range of body movements, and not all are well-supported by the back-lying position.

Each position in TRE® facilitates certain patterns and movements while potentially hindering others. In this course you learn how to activate tremors and release in the upper body, focusing on the trunk, including the rib cage, abdomen, back, spine, shoulders, and shoulder blades. You will learn specific techniques and positions to facilitate tremors in these areas, ensuring a safe and effective practice.


Hans Holter Solhjell

What You’ll Learn:

  • Techniques to activate tremors and release in the rib cage, diaphragm, abdomen, back, spine, shoulders, shoulder blades and arms.
  • Safe and effective positions for upper body tremoring.
  • Self-intervention, using your own hands to open up frozen patterns and facilitate release.  
  • Initial and basic ways to work with release through the movements of contraction and expansion, the breath and sound. 
  • Focus on comprehensive practice integrating the lower and the upper body.

This course has a total of 3 TRE sessions.

Course content:

 The focus in this course is on tremoring and release in the upper body, including the rib cage, diaphragm, abdomen, back, spine, shoulders, shoulder blades and arms. The focus is initially on the type of tremors typical in TRE but as the emotional and relational functions and movements of the upper body are closely related to the breath and the voice as well as the movements of contraction and expansion we will also include some basic ways to work with contraction, expansion, the breath and sound. 

The description of the course is a general framework for the topics that will be covered. In addition, you will be able to ask questions and receive support in your tremor practice.

Support and knowledge to safely access upper body tremors

 A common phenomenon in TRE® practice is experiencing tremors primarily in the lower body, such as the legs and pelvis. This is due to the fact that the basic TRE® exercises target the lower body primarily. There is good reason for this, as tremors and autonomous movement in the legs and pelvis for most participants feel safer and easier to manage. 

However, many practitioners seek ways to release tension in the upper body.

For some, tremors naturally extend into the upper body, but for many, this requires additional facilitation due to a higher level of both conscious and unconscious habitual control and freeze of emotions,  breath, defensive mechanisms etc.

Challenges and solutions in working with the upper body

 Tremoring in the upper body can impact the breathing and open up emotions and emotional movements like crying, anger, fear, anxiety etc. Also, sensations and movements such as nausea, coughing, retching and other movements of the internal tubes, stomach, throat etc are quite common in body work but not often talked about, explained or shown how to use constructively as part of the process. 

These sensations and movements are here seen as indicators of the body coming out of freeze and dissociation and can be welcomed, facilitated and helped through completion.  We will talk about this in the course and introduce the basics of how to include and use these types of movements as they occur in the process.   

For new practitioners these sensations, emotions and impulses may initially be more challenging and feel more uncomfortable, unsafe or strange. So more knowledge, time, support and safety can be needed to access tremors and release in the upper body. 

This course provides you with the understanding and knowledge you need to access upper body tremors and navigate the process safely.

Who are these sessions for?

  • Target Audience: Aimed at individuals with significant experience with TRE® as a personal practice, including TRE® instructors and trainers.
  • Not for Beginners: These sessions are not suitable for beginners and offer advanced ideas, exercises, and interventions beyond the basic TRE® exercises.
  • Prerequisite: Participants must be experienced in safely practicing TRE® independently in their own space.
  • Online Format: Sessions are conducted online, providing support and guidance, but not tailored for beginners or those requiring individual therapy.
  • Recommended Alternatives: For beginners or individuals seeking individual therapy, introductory courses and one-on-one sessions are advised.


The sessions will be recorded, and the recordings will be available to buy later. As a participant in the sessions, you will receive access to the recordings. You also need to agree that the sessions are recorded and sold later.

Connect and share

The purpose of these sessions are also to connect with others who practice TRE® to share experiences, ask questions, support and learn from each other.

Price: $159 for all 3 sessions.

Discounts: Buy one more of our courses, upcoming or recorded, and receive a 10% discount. Add two courses and receive a 20% discount on the total price..

Sign up for this TRE® in Depth Course

Facilitated by Hans Holter Solhjell

TRE® Global Certification Trainer, Conflict Resolution Trainer, SE and Feldenkrais Method Practitioner

Hans Holter Solhjell

Read more about Hans here.

I became actively involved in self-development as a student in my early 20’s and have been focused on learning, self-development and change processes, body-oriented methods, communication, conflict resolution, parenting, trauma therapy, Integral theory and various sports activities like barefoot running, total immersion swimming, skiing, self-defense, Aikido, Krav Maga etc.

I have trained in and are a practitioner of several practices, the Feldenkrais Method, Communicology, the Sounder Sleep System, Somatic Experiencing (SE), and am also certified as a Trainer in Trauma Release Exercises (TRE).

After completing a major in pedagogy, and also worked at the Police College in Oslo, where I taught psychology with an emphasis on stress management and conflict resolution. I have been teaching courses, trainings, and counseling in private practice since 2006.

In my private practice, I work with councelling and courses for parents, trainings for staff in kindergartens and schools, with body-oriented trauma therapy, and body oriented learning and development processes.

I have also developed several practical models for self-development and developmentally supportive conflict resolution, among them the PLS (Positive Learning Spirals) regulation support model, a practically oriented method for development-supportive communication and conflict resolution in relationships with children.

You can read more about me here.

Sign up for this TRE® in Depth Course