TRE® in Depth Online Courses
  • Target Audience: These courses are for you who have significant experience with TRE® as a personal practice, including TRE® instructors and trainers.
  • Deeper Tremoring Experience: Learn more about the profound potential within the basic TRE® exercises.
  • Facilitated by Hans Holter Solhjell
    TRE® Global Certification Trainer, Conflict Resolution Trainer, SE and Feldenkrais Method Practitioner.


If you sign up for two of our online courses you will receive a 10% discount and for three online courses a 20% discount.


TRE® Standing Exercises in Depth


TRE® Course on Tremoring in Sitting


TRE® Course on Tremoring Including the Hands and Feet

TRE® Tremoring in Side Lying

TRE® Course on Tremoring while Lying on the Side


Response Funnel Model

Download The Response Funnel model here!

The Response Funnel is a new and innovative model in the field of trauma, conflict resolution, relationships, and self-development.

To receive information about The Response Funnel please register for our newsletter. You will then receive a free copy of The Response Funnel.