TRE® talk and tremor session
Michael Morin Nissen
Clinical psychologist, Bioenergetic therapist and TRE® trainer
You need to signup for the talk and session separately.
See signup buttons bellow.
TRE® and MS, Multiple Sclerosis
Tuesday 14th of June | 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm CET.
This is a free talk and open to anyone.
Register for the free talk
Michael Morin Nissen has worked for 13 years in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society and has worked with TRE® with more than 1000 people with multiple sclerosis.
The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society has conducted two scientific studies of the effect of TRE® for people with multiple sclerosis. Both the many anecdotal accounts and the two scientific studies will be reviewed in this presentation.
Register for the free talk
TRE® Q&A and tremor session
Tuesday 14th of June | 7:45 pm – 9:45 pm CET.
TRE modifications and principles for working with MS and other chronic diseases.
Led by Michael Morin Nissen
In the TRE® session, everyone will shake. Michael will demonstrate various modifications when working with people with chronic diseases.
He will also demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of different foot positions in TRE®. We all have tendencies to position our bodies so that we confirm dysregulation, in the session we will play with this element, both for ones own sake, but also to understand what to look out for when working with people with chronic diseases.
You also have the opportunity to ask questions about both the topic of the talk as well as your own personal process.
- Price: 450 NOK.
- Discount: If you sign up for two sessions the total price is 800 NOK.
- If you sign up for three sessions the total price is 1100 NOK.
The session will be recorded and available for later viewing.
Sign up for Q&A and tremor session
About Michael Morin Nissen
Michael Morin Nissen (1965) is a clinical psychologist (University of Copenhagen), trainer in TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) from Germany, certified bio-energetic psychotherapist from Germany (under The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis). He has also taken further education in neo reichian methods in Germany, France, Norway, and Sweden.
In addition, he was a school teacher with subjects in sports and music. Psycho-therapeutic practice since 2000. He has worked for 13 years in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society as a psychologist where he has used TRE® with more than 1000 people with multiple sclerosis. He has also worked in his private practice in Berlin, Germany for 10 years.
Michael Morin Nissen has trained the psychologists employed by the Sclerosis Association in TRE®. In addition, he runs ongoing training courses in TRE® in his private practice. He has a chapter in Berceli’s last book: “Using TRE® with People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society.” I D. Berceli (Ed.), “Shake it Off Naturally: Reduce your Stress, Anxiety and Tension with‘ TRE ’”, pp. 102-120. Charleston, Create Space Pub. 2015.
He i.a. lectured at the 7th Biennial ESTD (European Society for Trauma & Dissociation) conference “The Legacy of Trauma and Dissociation: Body and Mind in a New Perspective” October 2019, Rome. “Using TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) with people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society.”
Michael will speak at
TRE® talk and tremor sessions
Tuesday 14th of June at 6.30 pm – 7:30 pm CET.